qenc is a free performant multi-platform encryption software that can be used to encrypt, then decrypt any file(s).
Download qenc for your operating system and then simply open your terminal/powershell and run qenc with a -file and -key flag.
./qenc -file=test.txt -key=somekey
You can process a directory of files using -dir flag
You can change buffer size with -bufsize
You can change max worker size with -workers (note that this is only applicable when processing a directory)
A key must be a minimum of 6 characters/48bit in length.
You will get a generated file back with a .qenc extension. qenc will only decrypt files with a .qenc extension otherwise an encryption will occur.
To decrypt simply
./qenc -file=test.txt.qenc -key=somekey
If you get the key wrong the file(s) will be corrupt. In that regard backup your encrypted file before trying to decrypt.
Encrypt/Decrypt Folder/Directory OR Drive
To encrypt a directory/folder/drive you simply run
./qenc -dir=yourdirectory/anotherdirectory -key=somefancykey

You'll notice all files in the directory have a .qenc extension now meaning their all encrypted.

To decrypt you run the same command as you did to encrypt.
Encrypting a directory will remove the original files and replace them with encrypted ones. On decryption all files will be renewed if correct key is provided.
When encrypting drives you must locate the actual path to it. On unix systems mounted drives can usually be found under /media.
How does it work?
You provide a key, half ½ of which a nonce is also chosen. Both key and nonce are hashed and then used for the stream cipher.
qenc uses XSalsa20 as a stream cipher. XSalsa20 Paper
qenc does not currently partake in compression.